
As of writing this i have two laptops

Microsoft Surface 3. this laptop was gotten for school, it gets a bit loud and i midly dont like the keyboard but its good enough. i use throttlestop to get it to a bit quiter level but it still isnt the best, but i knew that when i bought it lol. it gets pretty good battery life, around 4 and a half hours of watching twitch (thanks dougdoug for that battery test)

Thinkpad T450. i got this one for like 130$? i think, something like that. i really like this laptop, my main use for it is as a backup if the surface breaks and for messing around with linux. some of the stuff i've done with it is LFS, gentoo and hackintoshing it. also yeah i have uh a lot of stickers on it lmao, i like them :3 i've help back on my surface since im gonna be using it for school lmao

Dualshock 4 Mod!

I modded my dualshock 4 to have a usb-c connector instead of a micro-usb! It works really well (unlike the original micro-usb plug lol), i did fuck it up slightly but uh... it works :), visually its not the best though.